Education, fundamental and applied research, high technology and high-tech industry, as factors of national security, state independence, quality of life of citizens and protection, human rights.

Basic and applied research are two forms of implementation of science as a profession, characterized by a single system of training specialists and a single array of basic knowledge. Moreover, the differences in the organization of knowledge in these types of research do not create fundamental obstacles to the mutual intellectual enrichment of the two research spheres. The organization of activity and knowledge in basic research is set by the system and mechanisms of scientific discipline, the action of which is aimed at the maximum intensification of the research process. The most important means of doing so is the prompt involvement of the entire community in the expertise of each new research result that claims to be included in the body of scientific knowledge. The communication mechanisms of the discipline make it possible to include new results in this kind of examination, regardless of the studies in which these results were obtained. At the same time, a significant part of the scientific results included in the corpus of knowledge of fundamental disciplines was obtained in the course of applied research.